Long time no see huh? :) It's been around a year. Anyway, I'm picking up where I left off.
*Mismatches of hair/clothes/objects may occur throughout this chapter!*
*Nude scenes + Bad language*
"Previously on Broken Record: Lenore, a young aspiring author moved to Hidden Springs in search of an adventure! She met some interesting people like Daniel Kurt who is deeply attracted to her. Lenore became the babysitter of Sara Jones, through this she became really close to Sara's teen brother Walter. During one of Lenore's shifts Walter begged her to take them to the park so Walter could see his idol, Austin Dellon. It became apparent that Walter was deeply in love with him. The next day, Casey the renovator arrived at Lenore's home, they instantly hit off and it crushed Daniel's heart. Lenore also found out about Walter's missing father, together they renewed an unsuccessful search. Walter was later invited to Austin's gig, and they made a connection. This infuriated Walter's homophobic mother and she kicked him out of the house.."
"I will not send him back!" Lenore shouted, annoyed at her boyfriend and his cruel methods. What got him so annoyed about Walter staying the night? She hadn't a clue.
"Technically, you can be accused of kidnap. Walter should go back home!"
"Kidnap?" She squealed. "What can possibly happen to me? There are things the woman does in that house that-"
"I see baby, but that's not how things work in this town. Who will the police believe? A grown up woman or a confused young homosexual?"
"Walter is not confused!" She growled through gritted teeth.
Casey's eyes fell. "I know baby, but unfortunately, Walter's mother can use that as an excuse for her son's actions, and get him thrown into therapy. I don't know what lengths she'll go to, but I don't know what she'll attempt to do to you. I'm scared for you, that's all."
She wrapped her arms around Casey, still shaking from the heated argument. There was not even an ounce of strength left in her to argue her point, so she let it go. Her boyfriend cared deeply for her, but he didn't understand her situation. Walter came to her for help. not him. He would never understand.
Meanwhile, Walter sat on the wooden staircase. He heard the entire conversation, and it made him realize something. He was putting Lenore at risk.
"No, I'm not a family member or friend.. but his son is here."
"I will speak to the son, but I need confirmation that it's him. Unless you visit me which is probably impossible then I can't speak, sorry-"
"What if went on skype? Please you might recognize him, Walter is desperately trying to find his father."
"Are you ready Walter?" she asked.
"I guess... I guess I'm ready."
"Oh my God.... you.. you look just like Adam.. It can't be..."
"I'm Adam Jones' son." Walter chimed in.
Lenore spoke up.
"There was half a business card in Walter's house, we didn't know who it belonged to. I checked out every hospital and clinic in the area with no luck. Then I saw your information on a site, it matched the business card and here we are."
"I see. I can confirm that I treated Adam Jones around 3 years ago. Is something wrong?"
"Wait, my dad was treated in England? He vanished three years ago.."
"He had an argument with my mother.. actually it was a lot more intense. He just disappeared that day, I haven't heard from him since. We were hoping you could help.. you're our only lead!"
"Darling, I'm sorry. As much as I'd like to help I'm not able to help you. I've only had contact with him within this office. Discussions between your dad and me are confidential."
Walter was on the verge of tears and Lacey Duncan saw it. She pitied the boy, but there was nothing she could do. "I'm really sorry. I can't hand information like this over the internet. We have to meet up in person. I'm flying to America in two weeks, I'll go visit you. Text me an address we could meet up at."
The conversation ended on a hopeful note.
Quickly he glanced at the clock. 3 .43 pm. He was late for work, a couple of hours late. His breathing became heavier and quicker. He bit his lip. Oh God Daniel. You absolute ASS.. Bottles of champagne cluttered his bedside table. I don't drink champagne.. he was confused at his choice of drink and he still couldn't recollect what happened last night. Was I with a girl? .. Multiple wine glasses also were sprawled over the bedside table.. Was I with more than one girl?
What happened the previous night? And why couldn't he recollect any of it? Of course Daniel got drunk off his ass sometimes but never had he any memory loss. I should ask Lenore.. maybe she heard or saw something.. After an uncomfortably long time, he finally eased into the water.. until something smashed downstairs.
Walter sauntered out of Lenore's house. He was on his way to meet up with Austin and he couldn't hide his happiness. Last night ended on a bitter-sweet note, well, the sweet overpowered the bitter. Walter finally got to talk to the love of his life, the boy that made his heart race and stomach tingle.
He even had Austin's arms wrapped around him, the gig was dedicated to him. It made him wonder if what happened was even real. A fear lingered in his mind, what if this is just a dream? No. The slap from his mother was very real.. and that was the bitter note!
Janice Jones, the town's biggest homophobe kicked Walter out of her house the other night. She threw nasty insults, but Walter was used to them. Kids nowadays call everyone a fag or a pussy.. but his mother meant it. It sounded a lot meaner and more cruel from her. Walter was devastated, but relieved that she was showing her true nature.. nobody should hide who they really are.
"Well if it isn't Walteena Jones.." Walter didn't have to turn around to know who it was. Noah.. they used to be friends but the friendship ended curtly after Noah thought Walter was hitting on him. What the hell.. who could hit on him?
Walter walked off in the direction of the door. "No she won't. I'm just here to see Austin." He said quietly.. he began shaking. The conversation made him queasy.. he desperately wanted to get away."
"What was that? CJ, did you hear that? The little twerp is going in to see Austin, maybe we can sit beside each other."
"Aw, where are you going babe? Remember when you had the biggest crush on me.. you little pussy."
"You know I'm pretty sure you still want this.. " Noah began to feel his groin. "But you know.. I'm not a faggot like you."
"HEY! What's going on?" The sound of the sweet voice made Walter's heart melt.. Austin was here.
Noah stepped back, seemingly frightened. Austin was bigger, stronger.. "I'm sorry .. I"
"You better be! Get away. NOW."
Walter was comforted, Austin stood up for him when he couldn't. Not many people have done that. Although it made him feel guilty that Austin was picking unnecessary fights because of him. He shouldn't have been dragged into this.
"I came.. I came here to see your gig." Noah whimpered.
"Well I don't want here. You and green bean are disruptive and annoying. Now get away!" Austin growled.
"This is all your fault Walteena.. fuck you!" Noah stormed off with CJ tailing after him.
Walter's head hung with shame. Why do I have to be such a weakling. Suddenly a warm hand was placed on his shoulder. Austin's hand. It sent an amazing warm rush down his body.
"Are you okay Walt?" Walter didn't want Austin's sympathy.. it was embarrassing. But it also felt so good.. Austin protected me. His feelings grew stronger every second he was near Austin.. And it hurts so much knowing I'll never have him.
"I'm fine.. th.. thanks Austin. I mean it!"
"It's nothing, they better not go near you again. Now c'mon, we have like an hour before the gig so we can talk."
"Are you sure you're ready?"
"I am." Lenore assured Casey. It's been over two weeks since their relationship started and they haven't had sex yet. She had no idea why today seemed like a perfect way to consummate the relationship but it did. Neither had done it in a while, it was natural they craved intimacy.
They broke the kiss and began peeling their clothes off. Slowly at first, aware that they could hurt each other. But as the hunger grew they more desperate they were to act upon their urges. Lenore caressed Casey's chest, inhaling his scent and admiring his tattoos. She moulded into his arms, she felt safe. But a sense of guilt tugged at her.. What am I doing? …
"So Walter how was your day today?" Dumb question.. but it seemed right to ask.
"Pretty uneventful.." Walter lied. Unless you consider sleeping in the same bed as your neighbour, witnessing her fight with boyfriend over you, finding out your missing dad was in therapy In England... but he doesn't have to know that.. "What about you?"
"Really? What about?
You... should I tell him? … "Eh.." Austin struggled between lying and telling the truth. "Eh.. some new song ideas.. no biggie really. I just spent most of my day writing songs today!" Goddammit Austin! You had it all planned out earlier..
Austin noticed something but he was unaware what it was. "Walter what's that on your cheek?"
"Walter.. This is a bruise.. Who did this do you? Was it that ass?" His chair screeched as he bolted up. "I'm going to beat his-"
"No!" Walter grabbed his hand. "Noah had nothing to do with it."
"Then who did it?"
Walter hesitated.. but he couldn't lie to Austin. Even if he tried he couldn't.. with a large gulp of air and the swallow of tears he blurted out. "It was my mother."
"What? How could she do something like that?"
"No Walter! It is not okay.. and what do you mean? This is a regular thing? Does your father know about this?"
"My father's been missing for three years.." It hurt Austin to see Walter's eyes wet with tears.
"I'm so sorry Walter.."
"Don't be. You know, I came to terms with it sometime ago. All my efforts to find my dad? They were useless. So I just put up with my mother. She has a strong character, unbearable sometimes. When my dad disappeared, she didn't react at all. She didn't try to find him.. she just became bitter and locked herself in her room. I thought she was just avoiding stress because she was heavily pregnant you know? Turns out I was wrong, she just resents me."
"Walter.. you can't let her do this. You can't go back to her!"
Austin reached for Walter's hands and cupped them into his own. They were soft and small, it sent waves of really strange sensations over him.
"Please don't go back. We'll figure something out."
"What is it?"
Austin plucked up the courage.. he was going to tell him.....
"Austin.. you have to perform now."
Oh for Christ's sake.
"You'll tell me later!" Walter reassured him. "Now go!"
The sexual desire didn't disappear, Lenore needed this. She longed the closeness of two bodies together and how well they worked together. Why did it feel so wrong? She couldn't conceal a moan when Casey slipped in. It hurt slightly, but felt amazing. She felt celestial.. like she was high above the clouds. Good things never last though.. the guilt dominated over the pleasure.
"Babe, what's wrong?" Casey pulled out immediately, he became aware of the pain he was causing. But why this caused pain he had no idea. "We don't have to do this if you're not ready."
"It's not that... I don't think I can be with you Casey.. I'm sorry.."
"Please Casey.. we can't do this.."
"Why Lenore? Why can't we do this." The awkward pause only angered Casey. "Are you seeing someone else?"
"Fine. I thought you were different Lenore!" He shouted slamming the door shut leaving Lenore in a puddle of her tears.
"Austin, back there you were going to tell me something?"
-The end.
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